Education Service Office
The North Carolina National Guard Education Services Office provides Soldiers and Airmen with a variety of services to include:
Counseling Service Members on how to maximize benefits while pursuing a College Degree
Manage Federal Tuition Assistance for Soldiers in the NC ARNG
Provide general Education Briefings to units upon request
Manage NCTAP (NC Tuition Assistance Program) for Soldiers & Airmen in the NCNG
Processes College transcripts for both Officer & Enlisted Soldiers
Manage GI Bill Eligibility
Counseling for Service Members on transferring their GI Bill benefits to their spouse/dependent(s)
GI Bill
When identifying a starting point in pursuit of higher education, its best to start at the end. Ask yourself, what is your end goal? Then evaluate how far have you have come thus far in pursuit of that goal.
Fun Facts
Not all career fields require a 4-year degree.
Some may require a certificate, credential, or Associate's Degree.
Depending on the field, organization, and local economy, employers may accept experience in place of education.
Additional Items to Consider
Do you have an experience working in that particular field?
Perform an online search to confirm what the entry level requirements are.
Talk with someone currently working in the field. Ask if any additional education or training would make you more competitive for entry into the field or set you up for future career progression.
If a degree is needed, are certifications need as well?
NC Tuition Assistance Program (NC TAP)
A reimbursement program for actively drilling Army & Air Guard members of North Carolina
Available for use before attending IADT
Applicable at community college or technical, trade, or vocational training, proprietary, State educational institutions; two-year associate, four-year baccalaureate, graduate degree, or graduate certificate
Members must have a minimum obligation of two years remaining as a member of the North Carolina National Guard from the time of the application; or extend membership for an additional two years of more from the time of the application
Payable at the in-state tuition rate only. Any member of the NCNG that is a nonresident is eligible to be charged an in-state tuition rate. See you military affairs office for more information
Click the link below to fill out an NC Tap Application and Apply:
Federal Tuition Assistance
FTA is financial assistance provided for voluntary off-duty education programs in support of a Soldier's professional and personal self-development goals. To get started visit the ArmyIgnitED website
To qualify you must have completed initial MOS training requirements.
What do I get?
FTA will pay up to $250 per semester hours and up to 16 SHs per fiscal year
Lifetime limit of 130 undergraduate semester hours and 39 graduate semester hours
Up to 21 additional semester hours for a certificate
FTA will pay toward one credential at each of the following levels:
Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Undergraduate/Graduate Certificate
First Professional degrees are NOT eligible (i.e. doctorate degrees, Juris doctorate)
Requirements/ Obligations
Have an ETS or MRD after completion of FTA funded course(s)
Officer and Commissioned Warrant Officers are subject to a four year Reserve Duty Obligation (RDSO) or two year Active Duty Service Obligation
The college is regionally or nationally accredited
The funded course(s) meets a requirement listed in your personalized degree plan provided by the school
You maintain an undergraduate GPA of 2.0 or a graduate GPA of 3.0 for FTA-funded courses
You must submit your FTA request at least 7 business days prior to the course start date