Causality Operations

Who We Are

Our Mission is to honor and care for the men and women of the North Carolina Army National Guard and their families in the event of a serious injury or death of a Service Member regardless of duty status. We will demonstrate the Adjutant General of the North Carolina National Guard’s unwavering commitment to the surviving family members by ensuring that no one carries the burden of loss alone.

What We Do to Support Soldiers and Families

•      Coordinate Casualty Assistance for families who experience a loss

•      Train and certify Casualty Assistance Officers (E7-E9, WO2-WO5, O3-O6)

•      Report all known Department of Army Casualties via approved Department of the Army channels

•      Coordinate the submission of Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI), Family Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (FSGLI), and Traumatic Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (TSGLI).

To report the death of a Service Member, Service member’s spouse or Service Member’s dependent child, please contact the Soldiers unit or the NCARNG Casualty Office at (984) 664-6566 or at > Services and Support > Casualty Affairs

Military Funeral Honors

MFH Provide resources to Funeral Directors, families and loved ones as to how to request military funeral honors support, while also serving as a valuable reference on all matters related to regulations, functions and requirements for military funeral honors operations.

Offering military funeral honor support for funeral services of deceased "honorably discharged" veterans at NO CHARGE to Funeral Homes or Families/Loved Ones of Veterans.

Training to Veteran's Service Organizations (VSO's) to become AP3 Certified and to perform dignified funeral services such as flag folding and presentation of Colors to family, firing party and pall bearing sequences.

Provide ongoing training to Funeral Directors and Funeral Home personnel in order to maintain funeral service certifications.


Veterans Honors: Designated for eligible deceased veterans. Ceremony may consist of two (2) personnel to conduct the sounding of TAPS, military flag fold, and presentation of the flag to the primary/designated next of kin. > Services and Support > Casualty Affairs

Survivor Outreach Services

The RC-SBP allows a Soldier to leave 55% of their retired pay amount to their beneficiary, for a cost based upon length of time covered, type of beneficiaries, and overall covered pay amount. The covered amount can be any amount between $300 to the full gross retired pay amount, and computation of the cost of the plan can be accomplished using the SBP calculator provided by the U.S. DoD Office of the Actuary

The coverage selected will carry forward past age 60, after which payment will be taken by allotment from DFAS. Further, costs for the Survivor Benefit Plan will begin at retirement age as well.

I've had a major life change, what do I need to do with my SBP coverage?

To make changes to your SBP/RC-SBP coverage, use DD Form 2656-6 for beneficiary changes, and DD Form 2656-1 (at the bottom of this page) to deem an election for a former spouse (normally done as required by court order). Changes using DD Form 2656-6 must be made within 1 year of the change taking place (i.e. before the first anniversary of a new marriage, first birthday of a new child, etc.).

Coverage under the SBP can later be terminated after 24 months of retired pay has been received, and only between the 25th and 36th month thereafter, using DD Form 2656-2.

More in-depth information regarding the RC-SBP and SBP can be found at The DFAS Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan site

For more information on Survivor Outreach Services: > Services and Support > Casualty Affairs

Contact Us:

Facebook: 109th MP BN Enlisted Council and Family Support Group ( )
